It is New Year's Eve. There are times in which sometimes, I feel I should go far away, far away into some mountain cave and live there. To only listen to the whistling wind, sounds of leaves, branches, and bark dancing. To hear the cuckoo of bird and the hoot of an owl. Maybe even hear wild gibbons in the night like Du Fu. Time and time again, I remember that maybe it is my destiny to just be in solitude. To study, to read, and to go out into nature and experience. To love. The latter is extremely important. To love, to love, to love.
Something that has intrigued me is the translation of a portion of an ancient Mesopotamian cuneiform tablet. It is on the subject of, if you followed a certain set of instructions, you could have dreams where you would contact the gods directly. Not only this, but different instructions allow you to contact any deity you would like, or different audiences. : These tablets, labelled as K 07081 + K 07082 (P397014), have been partially translated.
From author Ilana Herzig, she states that one of the texts state:
“A man should smear himself (with dirt), he should anoint himself with oil. He should stay gloomily silent.…He should sleep in a passage.” Following this sort of guidance, the writers claim, will invoke auspicious visions enabling people to commune with a range of gods—whether personal deities, malevolent divinities, or gods of the netherworld. People could even tailor their behavior to gain an audience with the deities of their choice. “Instructions to sleep on the roof allow you to communicate with the gods of the night,” says Hätinen. “You don’t have to go to an altar in a sanctuary, you can have this direct contact just by looking to the sky.”I have contacted both the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative as well as Ilana Herzig for further translation on these tablets. It is absolutely intriguing. Which makes me want to delve deeper into cuneiform tablets regarding divination.
I have been reading Tolstoy as well lately, namely Anna Karenina. It puts a knife in you and twists it, and then kisses you. Tolstoy of course, tells a story. But his philosophy and true thought read between the lines. It is very enjoyable. I have read the Antony Briggs translation of War and Peace, and it felt... too modernized. So thus, I purchased the Maude translation to compare. I will be rereading it after Anna Karenina along with The Idiot by Dostoyevsky.
In bed. And I smell of incense and moss. Here is the description of the perfume oil I am wearing: 'the scent of hyperborean standing stones frilled with the red froth of lichen. the tartness of the cold grass fur on the hills’ shoulders. the mosses frosted with dew – the pollens sticking to the belly of dawn are left out to dry in the salty wind from the hebrides.' I have been sick lately, which brings a necessary slowness. The flickering flame of a single candle is making the shadows of two sculpture busts quiver on my wall. There is peace here.
Two unrelated statements from two individuals I know:
"translates the universe to us...hah, the mind experiencing itself.'and
'tomorrow when you hear the crow dance upon a bed of flowers, look up to the meteorite and it shall tell you how you can achieve the creation of which you desire most'The first is from a conversation about imagery coming to mind from certain songs shared, and the other is an omen that was said out of the blue to me by another individual. In my opinion, deities or gods can speak through others when they wish to.
There is something deeply delightful about being within the shadows, and having a faint light illuminate your surroundings. Everything becomes softer. The contours of the body, the shine of a lacquer box becomes inky, gold and silver bring out their true forms. I yearn deeply to be in a large wooden bath, filled with rose petals, honey, and milk. I want to dream of faceless, nameless knights. Who breathe deeply with compassion.
Deja vu... Deja vu... Deja vu... It is happening again. It's happening again.
The feeling before dawn. The feeling before dusk. Where the glow arises, where the light seeps onto the shadows. That blue toned realm. A fox. There's calm. This is what I am experiencing, that is the only way I can put it. My grandmother who I was shunned from seeing passed away the other day, and today I watched ballet. How quickly one goes from tears to experiencing joy and grief to then exploding with sublime happiness. This diary entry is a stream of consciousness, there is no rigid set of direction. Little dancers, jumping, twirling, many colored lights, slow motion. The sounds of violins together - the introduction of 10 cellos. Heart pumping blood throughout the sensitive skin. Feeling alive... in between the doors of perception. Listening now to the rain against my window, tapping like a spirit would like to come in and rest.
There is music... and I am listening. Remember, remember: the mysterious carriage visits us everyday. Telling me little things, telling me messages. Laughter is sweet like honey. I feel as now I could walk in that feeling before dusk, the feeling before dawn. In that world... the sky speaking, clouds... Giants, gods of gods, and dragons. Little elves beckon you to the forest. And the angels sing. I am listening.
This morning I took a walk. The air had that winter smell, cold, icy, crisp. There was also the smell of pine, along with someone having a bonfire. The smoky smell in combination with the pine and ice created a wonderful olfactory sensation.
The other night, I cried to sleep. I was listening to poets of old recite their works. It affects me deeply to hear them speak their words in the tone and way they orchestrate. The cry was initially from poets reciting their works, but then an inner dwelling of tears that I think have been crystallized for a while dropped from my eyes. A deep well within me. It was a catharsis, and I feel everyone needs a catharsis. Inside every catharsis inducing cry, just remember, there are landscapes within them. What I mean by that, is down to microscopic level, tears look incredible: (1), (2),(3),(4). Landscapes of language and emotion.
The oracle told me many things today. I shall keep them private, but they made a lot of sense. I understand my reasoning path that I took in my past life, and why I chose to do the things I did.
One thing that prevails throughout time is peace, love, and truth. I honor peace, love and truth to the highest. With truth comes honesty. I treasure those who equally treasure peace, love, and truth. I would like to become a hermit far away in the mountains, such as in my past life. In this era, it's not so easy to do that, therefore when you see the samsara of patterns, you just have to smile with compassion. I have felt quite isolated lately, but let me add the word 'solitude'. One can very much love their isolated solitude. That is exactly what I have been doing, and this is my path. Tonight, I think I shall lay down in the cold of night, and watch the stars. Watch the stars and feel like I am one with them, as they illuminate the inky sky.
I read a book today, namely In Praise of Shadows by Jun'ichirō Tanizaki, and while I disagree with portions of his essay, there are some quotes that are truly lovely:
“The quality that we call beauty, however, must always grow from the realities of life, and our ancestors, forced to live in dark rooms, presently came to discover beauty in shadows, ultimately to guide shadows towards beauty’s ends.”furthermore,
"For the beauty of the alcove is not the work of some clever device. An empty space is marked off with plain wood and plain walls, so that the light drawn into it forms dim shadows within emptiness. There is nothing more. And yet, when we gaze into the darkness that gathers behind the crossbeam, around the flower vase, beneath the shelves, though we know perfectly well it is mere shadow, we are overcome with the feeling that in this small corner of the atmosphere there reigns complete and utter silence; that here in the darkness immutable tranquility holds sway."
Something intensely wonderful transpired last night in my sleep. This was a dream, but to me, I was astounded. This to me is more classified as a vision. Here is my dream:
. A golden flame flickering in an unknown place. The flames were golden, metallic, and gave me a feeling of warmth both temperature and spirit - wise. Within this golden flame, was the number “606” illuminated, warping with the flickering. It was not a small flame, it was a large, energized burst of gold, as if coming from a fireplace - but instead, my mind. These numbers were glowing, morphing, but still held the same number. This vision, clear as a mountain stream, felt magical , ancient, and conscious. I was thrust out of my slumber by an unknown force, and I had this stir in me to write it down. I felt like the flame, with its golden hue, was pushing me to write it down. A sign. I then went back into a deep sleep. Within the continuing dream, multiple figures on horseback showed me many wonderful things. The area I remember the most was this grand landscape. It was untouched by man, and every plant was healthy and blooming to its fullest extent. Snowy topped mountains gazed from a foggy distance, and trees, slanted over as if resting, danced their leaves in the calm air. There were streams, deer, and grass the most beautiful green. As I took this all in, a figure on a horse cloaked in gold looked upon me in deep compassion. We did not speak to each-other, but rather spoke through our minds. The only thing here was love and compassion.
I awoke with this sense of calm, filled with a glorious happy energy.
There are some sources that speak of a golden flame - saying that it is awakening to the oneness of the universe, taking us further into the fifth dimension. It represent love, wisdom, and illumination. It can also represent higher vibrations, the vibration of everything in existence. Onto the illuminated number 606. It can represent balance, harmony, and the path to spiritual enlightenment. Together, this imagery put me in a constant state of sublime throughout the day. I felt touched by some deity, or God, as I was aware during the dream, but being shown a path.
Here are my notes I took in a brief awakening around 2:20 AM:
Golden fireThe note "Others were weary of getting Stuck in the musics haze" intrigues me, as I don't remember anything pertaining to that, but I do know it occurred in that dream dimension. It reminds me of the other day, when I was dizzy and laughing, spinning, without a care in the world. Were they afraid of joining in some beautiful cosmic laughter, of transcendental dance? Open thy heart, let us dance together.
In a world starts with z
The people.
Others were weary of getting Stuck in the musics haze
Riders with cloaks shrouding them following
Such as the golden rider and red rider
Path to another world filled with beautiful plants and peace and kindness
Most beautiful place I’ve ever seen
Grand adventure
Guidance from many
I just got back from stargazing. I saw 3 phenomena: one, a thin light beam across the sky, secondly, this strange near invisible wave streak (think when you run your hand across the top of water, the sort of movement, but in the sky with light, and thirdly, this intensive bright blue stream of light across the horizon. Currently, it is the time of the Geminids Meteor Shower. I will be starbathing tomorrow night as well, and going to sleep with my window open so I can watch the stars before descending into slumber. When I see these phenomena, laying outside in the dark, I imagine my neighbors doing their daily tasks, not being aware of all of these magical and powerful things happening above us. Then, I wonder how many times phenomena like this have happened while I go about my daily life, not knowing. It makes me want to starbathe for hours, hours on end.
Last night I dreamed of walking up a large, grand, stone staircase. Surrounding the staircase with light fog, and at the top was a bright light, the sky, and clouds. On these large steps... fit for a giant, maybe, I climbed and walked past several sleeping dragons. The hot warm breath coming out of their nostrils as they dreamed...within my dream. Cold stone steps, illuminated by a divine light, and warm sighs from the dragons. In my dream, I made sure not to wake them. But, maybe I should focus on it, and try to go back. Would it be unkind to wake them from their divine slumber within my dream realm? "The dragon embodies the power to go 'below the surface' and rise above the earth with 'expanded awareness.'" - combined with the symbolism of going up the staircase up to the light: an advancement in life. Together, the message is: an advancement in expanded awareness. The oracle today gave me similar signs too. All is in harmony. After all, 2024 will be the year of the dragon.
Lately, I have been fascinated by many things, which include: cymatics, neanderthal flutes made of bone, Saturn's Golden Age, and iPTF14hls. Natural scientist Hans Jenny coined the term cymatics after the Greek word Kyma (wave). Cymatics in general is the term for all phenomena that occur as a result of vibrations and waves on the formation of matter. What intrigues me is that the forms that we can see from different resonances resemble biological forms, natural processes, and mandalas. Some of my favorites are documented in Entdeckungen über die Theorie des Klanges (Discoveries in the Theory of Sound), which are called the Chladni Figures by Ernst Chladni in 1787. He ran the bow of a violin upon a sand or flour covered plate, resulting in those figures. I wrote in a previous entry about black holes 'singing'. They sing the lowest note in the universe. And I wonder what figure that sound would create - but as they are constantly evolving, the figure would change rapidly. I still think it would be beautiful to see.
For Neanderthal flutes, I always think about the kind of music they would make with their flutes made out of bone. One in particular, the Divje Babe flute, was recreated and sounds beautiful. It gives me goosebumps.
On the topic of Saturn's Golden Age, the description from Ovid's Metamorphoses' entrances me:
In the beginning was the Golden Age, when men of their own accord, without threat of punishment, without laws, maintained good faith and did what was right. .... Never had any pine tree, cut down from its home in the mountain, been launched on ocean's waves, to visit foreign lands: Men knew only their own shores. Their cities were not yet surrounded by sheer moats, they had no brass trumpets (for alarms).... no helmets and no swords. The peoples of the world, untroubled by any fears, enjoyed a leisurely and peaceful existence, and had no use for soldiers. The earth itself without compulsion, untouched by hoe, unfurrowed by any ploughshare, produced all things spontaneously and men were content with foods that grew without cultivation. They gathered berries and wild strawberries, cherries and blackberries.....or acorns fallen from Jupiter's spreading oak. It was a season of everlasting spring, when peaceful zephyrs, with their warm breath, caressed flowers that sprang up without having been planted.
"This is not unregulated chaos; it is a dynamic but ordered pattern."I wokeup today, and though the windows are open, the house is gray and silent, besides the hum of a fan. Outside there is a layer of thick fog. Walking barefoot, I sat down in my chair. Through the windowpane, the brightest flash of light illuminated the room. It was like slow motion. A photograph in my mind. Through the fog, this aura of light traveled and lit up the entire neighborhood. A silent lightning.
-Hans Jenny
Then, another moment of silence. Suddenly, like a freight train coming from afar, reverberating through the clouds, a soft rumbling. You could feel the sound waves traveling violently through the clouds, closer and closer. Through the heavens and through the earth. It encapsulated the entire area when it reached my location. This was the only lightning and thunder that I have seen today. That is how the day started. It almost felt mystical. An angel tunneling through space and time, a silent lightning strike.
I made genmaicha tea and then proceeded to go outside. It was lightly raining, with droplets of water hitting the ground off the roof like a metronome. No birdsong. Only the sound of wind and water.
I was gifted a porcelain teacup with a poem on it, and today I finally found what the poem was on it. It is 次蕭冰崖梅花韻, (After Xiao Bingya's Poem on Plum Blossoms) by 赵希㯝 (Zhao Xilu):
有 誰 風 雪 看 梅 花 |
若 使 牡 丹 開 得 早 |
竹 外 溪 邊 處 士 家 |
氷 姿 瓊 骨 淨 無 瑕 |
With appearance of ice and bone of jade, it is clear without a spot,
outside of the bamboo forest, by the stream, at the home of the hermit.
If mudan peony bloomed earlier,
who is going to appreciate the plum blossoms in the wind and snow?
How suiting, how suiting, discovering this during winter, the realm of ice, wind and snow! Who will view the plum blossoms in the wind and snow alongside me at the house of this hermit? The mudan peony the poem speaks of is the beautiful Paeonia suffruticosa, it is generally known as the “king of flowers”, symbolizing honor, wealth, and aristocracy, as well as love, affection, and feminine beauty. Now my tea experience with this cup is deepened, very much so.
It is so interesting, the oracle. I laughed today out of excitement. Divine timing, divine timing. Everything in divine timing. This month's focus keyword is 'patience'.
Today is an enigma. Slow, sleepy, like sap flowing out of tree bark. I finally poured a cup of 白毫银针 / White Hair Silver Needle / green snow shoots tea. It is incredibly light, fragrant. Sipping the dew out of jasmine flowers after a morning rain. Fairy-drink. Drinking the earth. Let me dream of evanescence and linger in the beautiful foolishness of things. I want to put a quote from 紅樓夢:
渺 渺 茫 茫 兮 歸 彼 大 荒 ! |
誰 與 我 逝 兮 吾 誰 與 從 ? |
我 所 游 兮 鴻 蒙 太 空。 |
我 所 居 兮 青 埂 之 峰, |
On Greensickness Peak
I dwell;
In the Cosmic Void
I roam.
Who will pass over,
Who will go with me,
Who will explore
The supremely ineffable
Vastly mysterious
To which I return!

Let's let the soul burst. Reverberations glowing, moaning, groaning, filling me to the brim of ecstasy. Yesterday evening I laughed so hard that I felt my soul giggling. It was cold, and I was surrounded by trees. It wouldn't matter about anything. I felt I could keep laughing in a dizzying daze until I spun, the trees around me multiplying in a mistifying blur. Giggling, laughing, trembling.
This morning I had a dream, and before my alarm rang, my body could feel it. Inside the dream, I yelled out into the aether, "No, no, please, it's too beautiful, it's beautiful... don't wake me up! Don't wake me up!"
Forms merging into other forms, boundaries dissolving. The images in my memory of that beautiful dimension were ripped from me, but I know they live in my soul. Let us laugh together and tremble in ecstasy.
Today I am pondering on: Thoth, Seshat, and Hermes Trismegistus, and a dream a little bird said they had of my blood. In their own words:
"I woke up, saw my orange keyboard, and thought it was Nymph bleeding all over my desk in a sentence format. Looked like a red blur stretched out to right, oddly bright, could make out letters and what looked like words."
Isn't that so sweet.
The same little bird told me that I am the female equivalent of Thoth. Thoth, the ancient Egyptian god of the Moon, wisdom, knowledge, writing, hieroglyphs, science, magic, art and judgement, does have a female equivalent: Seshat. She is the goddess of sciences, accounting, architecture, astronomy, astrology, building, mathematics, and surveying.
Thoth being the god of the Moon makes me feel pleasurable, as my zodiac, Cancer, is ruled by the moon.
As Thoth rules over the moon, and Cancer is ruled by the moon, Thoth may be a celestial conduit for esoteric and intuitive energies. As my ruler, the moon, goes through her phases, Thoth aides me in the transformation and evolution of my soul journey, along with my angels and elves.
Hermes Trismegistus is a syncretic combination of Hermes and Thoth. I then turn the pages, and see that Hermes Trismegistus is associated with prisca theologia, "a single, true theology exists which threads through all religions, and which was anciently given by God to humans." Though not the exact same as the perennial philosophy, which has entranced me for years, it is extremely related.
Went out for lunch and it was so delightful. The sun peeked its rays through the window onto the table, golden and glittering.
It's a cold day once again. I have the heater on. I am pondering on two things today: mise en abyme, and PSR J1748−2446ad.
Mise en abyme translates literally to placement in abyss, a copy of an image within itself, infinitely recurring. Imagine standing between two mirrors, and having an infinite image of oneself. Now, imagine a dream within a dream. "We are like the dreamer, who dreams and then lives inside the dream, but who is the dreamer?"
不 知 周 也。 |
自 喻 適 志 與。 |
栩 栩 然 胡 蝶 也, |
昔 者 莊 周 夢 為 胡 蝶, |
"Once, Zhuang Zhou dreamed he was a butterfly, a butterfly flitting and fluttering about, happy with himself and doing as he pleased. He didn't know that he was Zhuang Zhou."
此 之 謂 物 化。 |
周 與 胡 蝶, 則 必 有 分 矣。 |
胡 蝶 之 夢 為 周 與。 |
不 知 周 之 夢 為 胡 蝶 與, |
俄 然 覺, 則 蘧 蘧 然 周 也。 |
"Suddenly he woke up and there he was, solid and unmistakable Zhuang Zhou. But he didn't know if he was Zhuang Zhou who had dreamt he was a butterfly, or a butterfly dreaming that he was Zhuang Zhou. Between Zhuang Zhou and the butterfly there must be some distinction! This is called the Transformation of Things."
—Zhuangzi, chapter 2
A picture in a picture, a dream within a dream, a mirror within a mirror. Do we truly know what waking reality is? It has been discussed by Plato, Descartes, and especially in Mahayana and Tibetan Buddhist philosophy. Namkhai Norbu, a master of Dzogchen, or, atiyoga, states:
"In a real sense, all the visions that we see in our lifetime are like a big dream ..."
Now, moving on to PSR J1748−2446ad, the fastest spinning pulsar known to man currently. It is located 18,000 light years from Earth, and has 43,000 revolutions per minute. You can hear it's screaming pulsations here. In the words of my friend, Nikolaos:
"These are what is leftover after a massive supernova that didn’t collapse into a black hole, something so violent and energetic screaming out into the void. Spinning faster than any object in the universe, barely holding itself together, destroying all that goes near it. It’s something holding onto life so hard it can destroy the star it previously coexisted with, if the supernova alone hadn’t done it. When they exist alone, it’s their own mass that they spit out from the poles. They’re in a perpetual state of self destruction."
A pulsar, not able to transform into a black hole, screaming into space, over and over again. Mise en abyme. Light within light. An infinite repetition inside itself.
Outside is blanketed with thick, cold fog. The trees are barely discernable, and only the street lamps shine a hazy glow. I sat outside listening to the silence with a hot cup of green tea, it's steam flowing and mingling into the fog. Today I completed a second session of the Gateway Experience. One thing I noticed is that when I listen to music, I can feel the sound waves all over my body, like my aura is moving in sync with the melody. I could feel this previously, but now it is more apparent. It is a wonderful feeling.
Before going to bed last night, I walked over to my window to look at the stars. There was a large star in the sky, that seemed to glimmer with multicolored lights. It seemed to get bigger and smaller. I looked at a star chart and figured out I was looking at the Orion Trapezium Cluster. It is situated in Messier 43, a star-forming nebula. There is an article that suggests that within the Trapezium, there is a intermediate-mass black hole, with a mass 100 times that of the sun. With the theory of a black hole, as well as Theta1 Orionis C generating ultraviolet light that ionizes. It stood out to me last night. Maybe it was saying 'hello'.
The past two days I have woken up quite early. Eventually, I feel a wave of tranquility over me, this deep, lanquid daze. The winter chill outside permeates through the walls, weaving its frosty tendrils into the very fabric of the house. With the heater casting a cozy glow, I crawl slowly into bed, the encompassing warmth of soft fabrics creating a haven of blissful repose. Gazing out the window, the sun glows orange, making the sky a watercolor splash of sweet citrus hues and an ink wash of milky lapis lazuli. I shut my eyes, and Morpheus, sleep's divine guardian, envelops me in a tender grasp, his whispers lulling me into an early morning slumber. There's something enchanting about this season. From the profound silence that blankets the world to the relentless icy winds that engage in a rhythmic dance with my window pane. The trees, naked, sway and groan with the Earth. It's a time when the soul, like nature itself, undergoes a subtle transformation.
I will leave you with this anonymous poem today from the 後撰和歌集 in the year 951, which translates to:
Filled with passionate thoughts,
Sleepless until dawn,
On a winter’s night
The ice upon my sleeves
Shows no sign of melting.
思 ひ つ つ ね な く に あ く る 冬 の 夜 の 袖 の 氷 は と け ず も あ る か な |
I feel incredibly light and pleasurable right now. I wanted to write about this feeling within the moment, so I have it crystallized in time. I can close my eyes and imagine everything turning small, going above myself out of my body, seeing the terrain of the earth, and finally, being thrust into space and dancing on the stars like stepping stones. I watched a documentary the other day. This man looked at his hand, and then closed his eyes, visualizing all of the cells within, and then going deeper and visualizing atoms. The beautiful helix of DNA. From outer space down to our cells. How beautiful this feeling is in this moment.
It is cold and rainy today. A lovely day. I am currently reading about the Schumann resonance, Harmonies of the World by Kepler, and Musica universalis. How the Sun, the Moon, Earth, and all planets emit their own unique hum according to their orbital revolution. This was proposed by Pythagoras, who, furthermore, states that the quality of life on Earth reflects the tenor of the sounds emitted. These sounds cannot be heard by the human ear. I will just call it 'the silent orchestra'. Another topic that fascinates me is the sound that is emitted from the black hole at the center of the Perseus Galaxy Cluster. It's the moaning of the universe, or more-so, the moan of a black hole devouring, dimensions converging. Here is a quote on this black hole that I find beautiful: "Astronomers say they have heard the sound of a black hole singing, perhaps has been singing for more than two billion years." It's singing plays the lowest note in the universe. I just wonder how that affects other planets, the surrounding phenomena, and so on, if we go with Pythagoras' proposal.
Another thing. The 'Oh-My-God' particle.. On October 15th, 1991, an ultra-high-cosmic ray was detected by the Fly's Eye camera in Utah, USA. To describe the speed of this ray, if is the rest mass of the particle and
is it's kinetic energy, then it's speed was
times the speed of light.It's energy was "20 million times greater than the highest photon energy measured in electromagnetic radiation emitted by an extragalactic object, the blazar Markarian 501"
Basically, these break physics and confuse astrophysicists.
Now onto the exciting present day news. The Amaterasu Particle, named after the sun goddess, detected in 2021 and now identified this month, is puzzling astronomers. The particles within it should not exist. I find that fascinating. You can view the recorded signal event animation of the Amaterasu Particle from Osaka Metropolitan University here
Realizing when I go on passionate tangents, I should create an essays page.
Currently pondering on: speaking in tongues / glossolalia and the Voynich Manuscript.
Glossolalia is described as "fluid vocalizing of speech-like syllables that lack any readily comprehended meaning" but more importantly, " some believe it to be a divine language unknown to the speaker." Which brings me to the Voynich manuscript. The codex is filled with illustrations of alien-like plants, cosmology, nude women holding stars together, pharmaceuticals, balneology, and recipes. But it is all written in an unknown language that is still not decoded today. Some pages that excite me are the ones that fold out to form a large map.
Tears stream down my face like a broken pearl necklace as I write this. It is not about sadness or joy, but the sublime. An unexplainable mixture of emotions circling together, brewing in the valves of my heart. Opera is playing and it sounds like angels. A thousand angels.
It rained all day. I have been wishing for a nice rainy day, so I was overjoyed when I wokeup and heard the sounds of water droplets against the window. I just bathed, put perfume on, and lit incense. It reminds me of this quote from the Pillow Book:
"“To wash your hair, apply your makeup and put on clothes that are well-scented with incense. Even if you’re somewhere where no one special will see you, you still feel a heady sense of pleasure inside.”
Linguistic word play. That is what I am intrigued and heavily focused on right now...For example:
用 之 不 勤。 |
綿 綿 若 存, |
是 謂 天 地 根。 |
玄 牝 之 門, |
是 謂 玄 牝。 |
The valley spirit is undying [/ immortal], It is named the mysterious female [/ deep/dark gorge]. The mysterious female [/ deep/dark gorge]’s gate, It is named [as] Heaven and Earth’s basis. Uninterrupted like existence, Its usefulness is not constant. — Lao Zi
“The mysterious female”
shì wèi xuán pìn |
是 謂 玄 牝 |
牝 pìn roughly translated to denoting something as female, however, it also means 'deep gorge'. Given that the 'deep gorge' usually references the birth of all heavens and our Earth...how interesting.
Today I went outside and met a person with a small dog. Instead of it jumping excitedly, it had a calm and serene manner. The owner said it had trained it that way.
Fabrics and blouses. I adore them. When they come in the postage, I might share photographs of my wardrobe. Garments arriving inthe post: a new black blouse with bow accents, another black blouse with ruffles, and two skirts.