この領域は、よりあいまいなリンク用です。 各テーブルにはトピックに関するタイトルが付けられます。
This area is for more obscure links. Each table has a title related to the topic.
These are links I have found over the years browsing that I find intriguing or interesting.

霊性 / misc blogs
おいしいお茶を飲みたい » blog about drinking delicious tea
下流社会の中でどう生き抜くのか » "how to survive in a lower society It is a blog that spells out various daily lives."
生きてください » blog about watching people and staying alive, abandoned around 2006
reality shifters by Cynthia Sue Larson » an intriguing blog run by cynthia larson about quantum jumping, manifestation, reality shifting, and meditation
アセンション2012 » "It also mentions Hemi-Sync and Air Examination. Recently, I have been focusing on visits to the underworld."
不思議世界の波動振動 » "In wave vibration measurement, various sensations are transmitted from the object to be measured. During the measurement, the person's thoughts and emotions may be felt directly through your body."
angel number database » "information for any angel numbers you may see
霊性 / spirituality
セラピストヒロミ / ヒプノセラピスト » blog of hypnotherapist hiromi. interesting to browse. mental health spiritual healer . .
愛 結 羅 » "From the triple ring echelon of the 145th-147th series to the earth, during imperial and divine duties"
光の使者たちへ » messengers of light, wishing for peace
アセンション2012 » "It also mentions Hemi-Sync and Air Examination. Recently, I have been focusing on visits to the underworld."
不思議世界の波動振動 » "In wave vibration measurement, various sensations are transmitted from the object to be measured. During the measurement, the person's thoughts and emotions may be felt directly through your body."
angel number database » "information for any angel numbers you may see
とりとめのない陰謀 / conspiracy ramblings and unique agendas
【R18】アセンション研究所 » space-time doors, demonic elite, atlantis, pretty much everything insane is included in this blog
P.A.T.R.I.C.K. Crusade » "Promoting a system to lift all people to their highest potential"
T h e R e s u r r e c t i o n M a c h i n e » "Could we build a machine which could resurrect everyone that has ever lived? Can we create an artificial human brain? Can we learn how to extend human life?"